I was searching for an article on vegan today, and I found some amazing news, and I clicked on it.
I clicked on the suspicious half
How can CEO vegan eat a chicken alone? That's also a secret when he comes to Korea.
He was even photographed.
한국 왔다하면 '닭 한마리' 먹는 비건 대표 - 머니투데이
북미 비핵화 협상을 위해 방한한 스티븐 비건 미국 국무부 대북특별대표가 이번에도 '닭 한 마리'를 먹었다. 언론에 포착된 것만 이번이 4번째다.15일 오후 인천국제공항...
Stephen Biegan, the U.S. State Department's special representative for North Korea, who visited Seoul to negotiate the denuclearization of the U.S. and North Korea, also ate a chicken this time. This is the fourth time that he has been caught by the media.
When it became known that Representative Biegan eats a chicken every time he visits Korea, Internet users made jokes such as "Isn't the name Began?" and "Wow... Representative Began" over the names of representatives of vegan which means strict vegetarian.
Stephen E. Vegan (English: Stephen E. Beigun, March 30, 1963) is an American businessman and diplomat, and is now the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States.
For Koreans, biegan and vegan are the same pronunciation and notation
That's why I got this laughable happening
Let's remember next time that the US Secretary of State was not vegan.
I'll bring something more fun next time
6) Pickle Making feat.Vegetarian's Precious Food (0) | 2020.11.14 |
5)KOREA Curry is a vegetarian dish or not? (0) | 2020.11.13 |
3)Korea's hottest winter vegetarian food (0) | 2020.11.12 |
2)Do you want to eat vegetarian hamburgers in Korea? (0) | 2020.11.12 |
1)The 4th Vegenomics fair - Vegan Festa in korea (0) | 2020.11.11 |
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